PufferSquad NFT

Created over 1 year ago
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No recent sales
There were no PufferSquad sold in the last 30 days.

PufferSquad is a trademarked brand created by FuguNation.

Fugu Nation is a digital agency based in Switzerland specializing in Web3 & blockchain technologies to enable democratic ownership and capital participation in brands, businesses and innovative projects.

The PufferSquad™ is a squad where everyone belongs! It is a brand that anyone of any age can enjoy, use and share.

Following a summer-ish underwater and joyful theme, a collection of 5.555 animated characters were crafted purely through human intelligence starring the friendly pufferfish varying it along 10 skin colors, 40 emotions, 47 attributes comprising 77 traits. To sum it all up, it is a wild bunch of pufferfishes with one mission; create smiles.

Images speak louder than words: your Puffer can be used as a communication tool and is your KEY to access the work2earn platform where you will be able to profit from the sale of downloadable stickers, gifs, merchandise and collaborate with the community.

PufferSquad Floor Price
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PufferSquad NFT - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

â–¶ What is a PufferSquad?
PufferSquad is a NFT (Non-fungible token) collection. A collection of digital artwork stored on the blockchain.
â–¶ How many PufferSquad tokens exist?
In total there are PufferSquad NFTs. Currently 17 owners have at least one PufferSquad NTF in their wallet.
â–¶ How many PufferSquad were sold recently?
There were no PufferSquad NFTs sold in the last 30 days.