plan-z NFT

Created almost 2 years ago
token supply
No recent sales
There were no plan-z sold in the last 30 days.

p̷̱̫̍l̷͙̥͉͒̽̈́͛a̴̮͙̖̖͒͆̄͗ǹ̸̘̈́͜-̸̢̗͐͂̿̅̽̄̚z̴̙͓͕͍̯̥̯̜̪̦̰̬̯̣͖̗͕͆̊̌͗͗̿͆͑̈̕͜͜͝ is closure. 888 Ļ̸̞̯̹͂ͅO̷̧̢̧̠̯̥͈͉͎͎̿͆͌̀͂̃͜S̵̛̪̰͖̲̜̖̟̫̗̯̜̜͈̼̆̋̈̕͝T̸̨̬͎̞̰̥̲͍̙̗̝̱̦͉̘̭̍̿̇̃͛͛͐̊̄͆̃ s̴̝̮̙̫̞̹̹̞̣͕̘̩̦̽͆̚0̸̹͍̰̻̮̩̞̮̉u̷̠͚͕̹͚̠̅L̴̢̨̨̧͇͙̦̻̮̰͔̞̜̱͋̈́S̸̡̨̛̗͕̱̦̠͚̰̩͈͇͎̣̫̱̲̜͇͓͚̻̤͊̓͒̿̏̄͛̉͐̋̿̃̆̌͊͂͋͛̓̈̎̕̚ͅ f̷̩̹͐o̷͇̹̓̓̽̿r̵͇̘̣͈̉ę̷̟̫͐̅̔ͅv̶̱͛̆ẽ̵̮͙̊̊r̴̬͈̯̺̈́ w̸̝̮̌͗a̶͍͘ṇ̷̢͂ď̵͇e̵r̸i̴n̵g the Eä̸͕r̵̨͝TH̴̡͋. Each wi̶t̷h̴ ̶t̵h̸e̸i̸̡̜̅͝r̷̹̿ ̵̳̰̐̇o̶̭̊͠w̵͚̉n̷̜̉ p̵͖̈́ê̶̲r̴̰̀s̷̘̅o̵͖̽ṉ̵̈ã̶̗ĺ̸̯ ̴̳͘h̶͉̎ḩ̶̡̹͈̳̙̺̭̦̖̓͌̔̄̿̈́̀̈́̀͒̌͜ḙ̶̡̛̘̟̹̬͉̬̹̘̎̈͗̎͗́̈́̈̾͘ͅĺ̵̨̛͈̝͇͕̟͙̺̝̠͆̇̂̾̌̀͊̉͘l̶̢̻̰̣̲̗̫̦̗͔̹̂̊̀̈́̌͛̃͑́͘ ̷̥̤͖̩̳̳̥͕̰̔̄̒̅̄̌̀͠ͅt̶̨͇̖̲̮͔͎̝͇̥͙̀͋̒͑́t̷̾ͅȍ̵̝ ̴͍͊ë̵̫́n̷̟̈d̸u̸r̸e̴.| s̸̩̈́u̸̮̿m̵̝̑m̷͇͝ô̸̟n̸̻͗e̸̙̓d̶̨̑ ̵̼̎f̷̤̀ő̷͉r̵̰̚ ̸͇̈f̶̜̋r̵̻̈́e̷̘̐ë̶̱́ | i̵'̷l̴l̷ ̷s̵e̴e̸ ̷y̶o̶u̴ ̴i̴n̶ ̷t̶h̸e̵ ̷a̸f̷t̸e̸r̷l̸i̷f̸e̶

plan-z Rarity Explorer

plan-z Floor Price
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plan-z NFT - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

▶ What is a plan-z?
plan-z is a NFT (Non-fungible token) collection. A collection of digital artwork stored on the blockchain.
▶ How many plan-z tokens exist?
In total there are plan-z NFTs. Currently 442 owners have at least one plan-z NTF in their wallet.
▶ How many plan-z were sold recently?
There were no plan-z NFTs sold in the last 30 days.