Pixelfomo: The Pixel NFT

Created over 2 years ago
No recent sales
There were no Pixelfomo: The Pixel sold in the last 30 days.


‘The Pixel’ is an intelligent vibrant 4k Collection from digital artist Pixelfomo.
Forty Six pixels have been strategically selected to generate the portfolio. [Note:There are secret layers of messages encoded into the collection. All is not as it seems, deciphering the set can solve the enigma.]

The Collection: 203 items

Commons (based on milestones, social and community exhibits)
Rare ( 12 x 5 items limited edition)
Super-rare ( 7 x 4 items limited edition) Unique ( 4 x 3 single items on auction or sale). Legendary (3 items only)

The fundamentals of the project are designed to nurture the price and advance the demand. The value of these collection pieces will gradually increase, not only to let the owners enjoy the intrinsic enigma of the portfolio, but also to reap their investment and accreditation. Pixelfomo is a brand. All rights Reserved. This is a Project, made with DRIVE and PASSION. Beware of scams, trust only the official website.

Pixelfomo: The Pixel NFT - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

▶ What is a Pixelfomo: The Pixel?
Pixelfomo: The Pixel is a NFT (Non-fungible token) collection. A collection of digital artwork stored on the blockchain.
▶ How many Pixelfomo: The Pixel were sold recently?
There were no Pixelfomo: The Pixel NFTs sold in the last 30 days.