Pixel N8A Players V2 NFT

Created about 2 years ago
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No recent sales
There were no Pixel N8A Players V2 sold in the last 30 days.

What is Pixel N8A Players v2? This is a 45x45 pixel art image. The characters are the basketball players of the Pixel N8A league. Most of them are ordinary people with different facial features, but there are also rarer creatures, for example: a zombie, an alien. Each character has its own basketball game rating. The overall rating of the basketball player is indicated in the picture itself. There are only 53 men's teams from different cities in the collection. Jersey teams are divided into home and away teams. WEBSITE

Pixel N8A Player Collection V1

Player rarity 🌟

Type: Male: 9838 Players πŸ‘¨ Zombie: 144 Players πŸ§Ÿβ€β™‚οΈ Alien: 18πŸ‘½

Overall: 49-59 [Yellow] 60-69 [Green] 70-79 [Blue] 80-89 [Purple] 90-99 [Red]

Pixel N8A Players V2 Floor Price
Lowest Ask Price


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Pixel N8A Players V2 NFT - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

β–Ά What is a Pixel N8A Players V2?
Pixel N8A Players V2 is a NFT (Non-fungible token) collection. A collection of digital artwork stored on the blockchain.
β–Ά How many Pixel N8A Players V2 tokens exist?
In total there are Pixel N8A Players V2 NFTs. Currently 625 owners have at least one Pixel N8A Players V2 NTF in their wallet.
β–Ά How many Pixel N8A Players V2 were sold recently?
There were no Pixel N8A Players V2 NFTs sold in the last 30 days.