NounPunks.eth NFT

Created over 2 years ago
3,137 Discord members
5,440 Twitter followers
There were no NounPunks.eth sold in the last 7 days.

NounPunks is a group of 9969 beings inspired by the world of LarvaLabs and SuperGremplin that bridges the autonomy of separate cultures forming the first hybrid culture with a FU attitude that !vibes in the fabric of block and time. No roadmap, no utility, just !vibe

This project is in the public domain. Feel free to use NounPunks in any way you want.

Recent NounPunks.eth sales

NounPunks.eth Price Chart

Top Selling NounPunks.eth NFTs of the last 30 days

NFTDate Price
NounPunks #9157
22 days ago $11
NounPunks #1922
22 days ago $9

NounPunks.eth NFT - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

â–¶ What is a NounPunks.eth?
NounPunks.eth is a NFT (Non-fungible token) collection. A collection of digital artwork stored on the blockchain.
â–¶ What was the most expensive NounPunks.eth sale?
The most expensive NounPunks.eth NFT sold was NounPunks #9157. It was sold for $11.2 on July 5th, 2024 (22 days ago).
â–¶ How many NounPunks.eth were sold recently?
There were 6 NounPunks.eth NFTs sold in the last 30 days.

NounPunks.eth Community Stats

Discord Members

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