Milady Maker NFT

Created over 2 years ago
11,234 Discord members

Milady Maker NFTs were sold 1256 times in the last 7 days. The total sales volume for Milady Maker was $14.98M. The average Milady Maker NFT price was $11.9k.

Milady Maker is a collection of 10,000 generative pfpNFT's in a neochibi aesthetic inspired by street style tribes.

Milady Maker Rarity Explorer

NFTs sold
last 7 days


Trading volume
last 7 days


Milady Maker Value
Average price last 7 days


Recent Milady Maker sales

10th percentile price
last 7 days


Median price
last 7 days


90th percentile price
last 7 days


Ten percent of the Milady Maker sales were for $10.1k or less, half of the sales were for less than $11.6k and the highest ten percent were sold for $13.9k or higher.

Milady Maker Price Chart

Top Selling Milady Maker NFTs of the last 30 days

NFTDate Price
Milady 1966
about 2 months ago $58k
Milady 1228
about 2 months ago $55.8k
Milady 3561
about 1 month ago $43.1k
Milady 1983
about 2 months ago $38.6k
Milady 3561
about 2 months ago $33.3k
Milady 1402
about 2 months ago $33.1k
Milady 3167
about 2 months ago $31.3k
Milady 1538
about 1 month ago $30k
Milady 3718
about 1 month ago $23.7k
Milady 1100
about 2 months ago $23.6k
Milady 912
about 2 months ago $22.6k
Milady 1116
about 2 months ago $22.4k
Milady 2049
about 2 months ago $21.2k
Milady 574
about 2 months ago $21.1k

Milady Maker NFT - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

â–¶ What is a Milady Maker?
Milady Maker is a NFT (Non-fungible token) collection. A collection of digital artwork stored on the blockchain.
â–¶ What was the most expensive Milady Maker sale?
The most expensive Milady Maker NFT sold was Milady 1966. It was sold for $58k on March 7th, 2024 (about 2 months ago).
â–¶ How many Milady Maker were sold recently?
There were 2,909 Milady Maker NFTs sold in the last 30 days.
â–¶ How much does a Milady Maker cost?
In the last 30 days, the cheapest Milady Maker NFT sales were below $8.1k, and the highest sales were for over $18.2k. The median price for a Milady Maker NFT was $12k in the last 30 days.
â–¶ What are popular Milady Maker alternatives?
Many user who own Milady Maker NFTs also own Redacted Remilio Babies , Bored Ape Kennel Club , DeGods and Azuki.

Milady Maker Community Stats

Discord Members