Linagee Name Registrar (LNR) NFT

Created over 1 year ago
4,342 Discord members
6,638 Twitter followers

Linagee Name Registrar (LNR) NFTs were sold 4 times in the last 7 days. The total sales volume for Linagee Name Registrar (LNR) was $104.85. The average Linagee Name Registrar (LNR) NFT price was $26.2.

By Linagee, from the first NFT contract on Ethereum, launched August 8, 2015.

Please use the bytecode to confirm any names. The categories act as a guide but we cannot guarantee the accuracy of every name.

Linagee Name Registrar (LNR) Rarity Explorer

NFTs sold
last 7 days


Trading volume
last 7 days


Linagee Name Registrar (LNR) Value
Average price last 7 days


Recent Linagee Name Registrar (LNR) sales

Linagee Name Registrar (LNR) Price Chart

Top Selling Linagee Name Registrar (LNR) NFTs of the last 30 days

NFTDate Price
about 1 month ago $27
about 1 month ago $26
about 1 month ago $26
about 1 month ago $26

Linagee Name Registrar (LNR) NFT - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

â–¶ What is a Linagee Name Registrar (LNR)?
Linagee Name Registrar (LNR) is a NFT (Non-fungible token) collection. A collection of digital artwork stored on the blockchain.
â–¶ What was the most expensive Linagee Name Registrar (LNR) sale?
The most expensive Linagee Name Registrar (LNR) NFT sold was 3985. It was sold for $26.9 on March 16th, 2024 (about 1 month ago).
â–¶ How many Linagee Name Registrar (LNR) were sold recently?
There were 5 Linagee Name Registrar (LNR) NFTs sold in the last 30 days.

Linagee Name Registrar (LNR) Community Stats

Discord Members

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