Leftoverz NFT

Created over 2 years ago
No recent sales
There were no Leftoverz sold in the last 30 days.

5723 κ‹¬κ‡™κ“„κ„²κ‹Šκ’κ‡™κκ’κ‹ŠκŒκ’’κŒ¦ κ’’κ„²κŒ¦κ‹¬κ’’, κ“„κ‹ͺꋬꇙꁝ-κ‚κ‹¬κ“„κ’κ‹ŠκŒ, ꁝꄲκ‹ͺκ‹ͺκ’κŠ°κ’κ‰”κ‹¬κ’’κ’’κŒ¦ κ’€κŒκ’’κŒ¦ ꃳꒀ꓄ ꉔꒀ꓄ꏂ κ‰”κ„²κ‚΅κ‰£κ‹¬κ‹Šκ’κ„²κ‹Šκ‡™. 15% κ„²κŠ° κ‹ͺκ„²κŒ¦κ‹¬κ’’κ“„κ’κ‚κ‡™ κŒκ„²κ‚κ‡™ ꓄ꄲꅐꋬκ‹ͺ꒯ꇙ κ‚΅κ‚κ‹Šκ“„κ‹¬κ’’ ꁝꏂꋬ꒒꓄ꁝ

Leftoverz NFT - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

β–Ά What is a Leftoverz?
Leftoverz is a NFT (Non-fungible token) collection. A collection of digital artwork stored on the blockchain.
β–Ά How many Leftoverz were sold recently?
There were no Leftoverz NFTs sold in the last 30 days.