Exosama NFT

Created over 1 year ago
22,557 Twitter followers

Exosama NFTs were sold 65 times in the last 7 days. The total sales volume for Exosama was $28.76k. The average Exosama NFT price was $442.4.

Join the resistance in a quest to liberate NOVA from its tyrannical occupier Xeon. 10,000 EXOs descend upon Ethereum ready for battle. Evolve them as you journey into the Metaverse. exosama.com | moonsama.com

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The unique holder count is not representative due to Exosamas staked on our Multiverse Portal (address 0xbC0d0c5E67fC0d7834a0e3B8Acf741d1F5b78ca5), unlocking access to metaverses and NFT 2.0 technology.

Exosama Rarity Explorer

NFTs sold
last 7 days


Trading volume
last 7 days


Exosama Value
Average price last 7 days


Recent Exosama sales

10th percentile price
last 7 days


Median price
last 7 days


90th percentile price
last 7 days


Ten percent of the Exosama sales were for $416 or less, half of the sales were for less than $416 and the highest ten percent were sold for $543 or higher.

Exosama Price Chart

Top Selling Exosama NFTs of the last 30 days

NFTDate Price
Exosama Stasis Pod
about 2 months ago $1318
Exosama Stasis Pod
about 2 months ago $1020
Exosama Stasis Pod
about 2 months ago $814
Exosama Stasis Pod
about 2 months ago $745
Exosama Stasis Pod
about 2 months ago $708
Exosama Stasis Pod
about 2 months ago $684
Exosama Stasis Pod
about 2 months ago $681
Exosama Stasis Pod
about 1 month ago $622
Exosama Stasis Pod
about 1 month ago $622
Exosama Stasis Pod
about 2 months ago $616
Exosama Stasis Pod
about 2 months ago $565
Exosama Stasis Pod
about 1 month ago $555
Exosama Stasis Pod
about 2 months ago $515

Exosama NFT - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

▶ What is a Exosama?
Exosama is a NFT (Non-fungible token) collection. A collection of digital artwork stored on the blockchain.
▶ What was the most expensive Exosama sale?
The most expensive Exosama NFT sold was Exosama Stasis Pod. It was sold for $1.3k on February 29th, 2024 (about 2 months ago).
▶ How many Exosama were sold recently?
There were 222 Exosama NFTs sold in the last 30 days.
▶ How much does a Exosama cost?
In the last 30 days, the cheapest Exosama NFT sales were below $362, and the highest sales were for over $683. The median price for a Exosama NFT was $416 in the last 30 days.
▶ What are popular Exosama alternatives?
Many user who own Exosama NFTs also own Enigma Economy NFT , Hedgies , Banners NFT and Bored Milady Maker.

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