Brain Washer Bot NFT

Created over 1 year ago
No recent sales
There were no Brain Washer Bot sold in the last 30 days.

洗腦機器人 NFT 得標者請至 網頁下方「前往登記」,如逾時十日未登記將失效。 廣告發佈需經科技巨頭解碼官方審核,且需遵守台灣法律規定,並不能違背善良社會風俗與文化等。 官方保有最終廣告張貼裁定權,如有違法事項或違反社會風俗言論,將以原價向廣告購買人買回 Brain Washer NFT 所有權。

Brain washer bot is an important token economy in the development of the Decoder Bot community. Brain Washer Bot will be open for bidding on the secondary market. The winning bidder can advertise in the monthly public article of “Decoding of Tech Giants”.

Brain Washer Bot NFT - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

▶ What is a Brain Washer Bot?
Brain Washer Bot is a NFT (Non-fungible token) collection. A collection of digital artwork stored on the blockchain.
▶ How many Brain Washer Bot were sold recently?
There were no Brain Washer Bot NFTs sold in the last 30 days.