555 Collective NFT

Created over 2 years ago
2,272 Discord members

555 Collective NFTs were sold 2 times in the last 7 days. The total sales volume for 555 Collective was $574.04. The average 555 Collective NFT price was $287.

555 Collective is an exclusive group providing alpha, access, and news to the NFT world. The collective focuses on transforming the Web 3.0 space in the above areas to generate the best opportunities for our holders. Access is limited to holders of the tokens. Join the discord and verify for access.

NFTs sold
last 7 days


Trading volume
last 7 days


555 Collective Value
Average price last 7 days


Recent 555 Collective sales

555 Collective Price Chart

Top Selling 555 Collective NFTs of the last 30 days

NFTDate Price
5555 - Hunter Orrell #168
about 2 months ago $486
5555 - Hunter Orrell #256
about 1 month ago $300
5555 - Hunter Orrell #77
about 1 month ago $274
5555 - Hunter Orrell #213
about 2 months ago $76

555 Collective NFT - Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

â–¶ What is a 555 Collective?
555 Collective is a NFT (Non-fungible token) collection. A collection of digital artwork stored on the blockchain.
â–¶ What was the most expensive 555 Collective sale?
The most expensive 555 Collective NFT sold was 5555 - Hunter Orrell #168. It was sold for $486.3 on March 6th, 2024 (about 2 months ago).
â–¶ How many 555 Collective were sold recently?
There were 4 555 Collective NFTs sold in the last 30 days.

555 Collective Community Stats

Discord Members