Block of Horror: Prophet's Key

Prophet's Key

About Block of Horror: Prophet's Key

🩸Block of Horror is re-envisioning film, media, and storytelling from a decentralized, community-based perspective.

🩸The Prologue collection's Prophet's Key welcomes you into Block of Horror’s Inner Circle, where creative and communal decisions are made in the development of original IP. Exclusive access, licensing opportunities, and fan empowerment are all core elements within Block of Horror, and these 750 Keys represent our most inspired, dedicated and visionary members - our Prophets.

🩸Block of Horror: Season 1 is our Genesis collection, which is filled with 13 original movie-worthy stories, created with the community while challenging the choke points of Hollywood gatekeeping, shared commercialization rights, and recycled cookie-cutter content.

🩸Visit for more, and welcome to the Block.